Cookies Policy

Cookies policy:
This cookie policy is part of the terms of use and the privacy policy of the website, hereinafter The Owner.
A cookie is an information file that the server of the website of The Holder sends to the device (computer, smartphone, Tablet, etc.) of the person accessing the page, to store and retrieve information about the navigation that is carried out from said equipment. .
There are a lot of guides that explain what cookies are, and what they are used for. For our part, we will explain how these cookies affect the El Titular website, but if you need more information about it, take a look at these pages:
In this link you can access the cookie guide edited by the Spanish Data Protection Agency:
Types of cookies:
Own cookies:
They are those that are installed in the USER’s terminal from the Owner’s website.
Third party cookies:
They are those that are installed in the USER’s terminal from a domain or a web page that is not managed by The Owner, but by another entity that processes the information obtained through cookies.
Session cookies:
They are a type of cookies designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a web page.
They are usually used to store information that is only of interest to keep for the provision of the service requested by the user on a single occasion.
Persistent cookies:
They are a type of cookie in which the data is still stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years.
Analysis cookies:
They are those that, well treated by The Owner or by third parties, allow us to carry out statistical analyzes such as the number of users who enter the Web or the use they make of it.
For this we analyze the navigation on the Web in order to improve the provision of the services we offer.
The Owner uses various types of cookies:
Technical cookies:
They are those that allow the USER to navigate through the web page and use the different options or services that exist in it, such as, for example, verifying traffic and data communication, identifying the session, requesting a form, accept our privacy and data protection policies, use security elements during navigation or give the ability to share content through social networks.
Performance cookies:
These are cookies that collect information about how you use the website (for example, the pages you visit or if an error occurs) and that also help The Owner to locate and solve problems on the website.
All the information collected in them is completely anonymous and only serves to help us understand how our site works, and to be able to make the appropriate improvements to facilitate its use and navigation.
These cookies will allow:
That the USER browses the site.
That The Owner collects information on how the USER uses the website, in order to understand the usability of the site, and help us implement the necessary improvements.
These cookies will not collect any information about the USER that can be used for advertising purposes, or information about their preferences (such as their user data) beyond that particular visit.
Analytical Cookies:
From Google Analytics: These are analysis cookies that allow the monitoring and analysis of the behavior of the USERS of the websites to which they are linked.
The information collected through this type of cookie is used to measure the activity of the websites, applications or platforms and to create browsing profiles of the USERS of said sites, applications and platforms, in order to introduce improvements in function of the analysis of the usage data made by the USERS of the service.
Google Analytics stores cookies on servers located in the United States and undertakes not to share them with third parties, except in cases where it is necessary for the operation of the system or when required by law to do so.
According to Google, it does not save the IP address of the USER.
Google Inc. is a company adhering to the Safe Harbor Agreement that guarantees that all transferred data will be treated with a level of protection in accordance with European regulations. The USER can consult detailed information in this regard at this link:
If the USER wants more information about the use that Google gives to cookies, they can access it through this other link:
Social Cookies
There are buttons through which you can share and “like” the articles, images and videos that you can see on our website. Social media cookies are used to enable these buttons to work so they can recognize you when you want to share an article or video.
These cookies allow:
That connected users of certain social networks can directly share and “like” certain content on our website.
These social networks, completely independently of the Owner and depending on their settings, may also collect your personal data for their own purposes.
The Owner has no influence on the way in which these social networks use your personal data. If you want more information about the cookies placed by social networks and the possible data they collect, consult the privacy statements drawn up by the social networks themselves. The privacy statements of the main social networks most frequently used by The Holder are detailed below:
* Facebook
* Google+
* Twitter
* Pinterest
* YouTube
* Instagram
* TikTok
* Meta
* and those that exist at the time in the cybernetic and/or virtual navigation market. 
Marketing cookies
These cookies are managed by third parties, so the USER may use their tools to restrict the use of these cookies.
Some of the cookies are used to link to other web pages that provide certain services to The Owner, such as Facebook, Twitter or Google.
Some of these cookies will modify the advertisements of other websites to adapt them to your preferences.
These cookies will allow:
* Link with social networks
From YouTube:
In some parts of the web, YouTube is used to offer its own videos.
YouTube stores information in order to generate statistics about visits to videos embedded in other pages.
As long as YouTube is owned by Google, you can obtain more information about the cookie policy at the following link:
The user may -at any time- choose which cookies he wants to work on this website through the browser settings; for instance:
Chrome, from:
Explorer, from:
Firefox, from:
Safari, from:
Opera, from:
Web browsers are the tools responsible for storing cookies and from this place the USER can exercise their right to delete or deactivate them.
The correct or incorrect manipulation of cookies by the browsers totally unrelated to The Holder cannot be guaranteed.
In some cases, it is necessary to install cookies so that the browser does not forget the USER’s decision not to accept them.
Acceptance of browsing our website and our privacy policy unequivocally accepts this cookie policy, which implies that the USER has been informed in a clear and complete manner about the use of data storage and recovery devices ( cookies) as well as that The Holder has the consent of the USER for the use of the same as established in article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI -EC).
For any questions in this regard, do not hesitate to contact us through our CONTACT US form located on this website.